The full works. Capacity expansion, retirement, power flows and prices modelled out to 2050.
Complex services, auctions and markets. Modelled the Modo Energy way.
The only forecast that utilises Modo’s industry standard benchmarking datasets.
Built to be good enough that we'd use our own forecast. And unswayed by external pressures or expectations.
Relied on by financiers, owners, and operators.
Everyone and anyone can read the full methodology, inputs, and assumptions behind the model.
Say goodbye to data silos and struggling to keep everyone in the loop. There is no charge for adding seats to your Modo subscription.
Limitless access to everything in the library, including downloading forecasts and looking at previous model versions.
From modelling support to Q&A, the whole Modo Energy team has you covered.
The full works.
Capacity expansion, retirment, power flows and prices modelled out to 2050.
Complex services, auctions and markets. Modelled the Modo way.
The only service that utilises Modo’s industry standard benchmarking datasets.
Using the Modo Energy’s forecasting enables us to make decisions every week on whether to progress certain BESS projects or not. The DEVEX spent on each project is c.£200-300k, saving us millions over the year by helping us make accurate decisions.
Access Modo Energy's view of the future.
The way that power market modelling should be.
Configurable with reliance.
Everyone can read the methodology, inputs and assumptions. Period.
Say goodbye to data silos and struggling to keep everyone in the loop. There is no charge for adding seats to your Modo subscription.
Limitless access to everything in the library, including downloading forecasts and looking at previous model versions.
From modelling support to Q&A, Modo’s got you covered.